Finding Peace - Chapter 2

The journey to our new home in St. Louis, Missouri has been an interesting one! We have been quite busy setting up shop, filling orders, and learning the ropes of running a business.
Dave, the previous owner of Peace Pole Makers, welcomed us to our new Peace Pole Life by providing two weeks of training in the art of handcrafting Peace Poles. Jim parked our travel trailer outside Dave’s shop in the woods of Northern Michigan and lived and breathed Peace Poles for a week before I joined him for my training in the finer aspects of handling the admin portion of the business of making Peace Poles. Jim thought it would take him a week to catch on, but the two weeks was barely enough. Dave’s comment at the end, of Jim being the only true teammate he had had in the shop in 20 years of being in business, speaks to Jim’s aptitude and attitude of learning the trade!
Once our training was complete, it was time to pack up 20 years of machinery and dust and Peace-Pole-making stuff and move it all to St. Louis. With assistance from Beth and Todd, we knocked down, cleaned off, boxed up all the things that are required to make Peace Poles. The days were long and dirty, but in the end the movers came and packed it all in their truck and we waved goodbye to Dave and Northern Michigan before the first snow fell. It was the end of an era for Dave and just the beginning of ours.
Join us for Finding Peace – Chapter 3 to learn more about our path to finding peace!